Let us guess… you are on the constant quest to keep your skin young, clean and smooth, but for now you don’t want something as extreme as a peel that will keep at home for days. Well, we have a very good option for you, which will allow you to return to your daily activities immediately, it will help you eliminate scars, reduce wrinkles among other benefits, we present you the microdermabrasion.
This and other treatments that consist of exfoliating the skin remove dead cells and impurities, reduce scars and other superficial injuries by eliminating the outer layers of cells in the skin. The elimination of these cells promotes cell regeneration with the increase of collagen production and with this elasticity.
This technique was developed several years ago using diamond tips and thanks to the subtlety of the procedure it turns out to be painless, giving immediate results of smoothness and a feeling of uniformity by softening the black and whiteheads so that their extraction would be simple.
It is recommended to do it 1 to 2 times a month and taking into consideration the skin condition of the person, an average of 6 sessions is indicated.
Among the various benefits are:
- Reduction of wrinkles and expression lines
- Increased circulation reflecting healthier skin
- Reduction of hyperpigmentation in addition to closing pores
- In combination with retinoid creams an improvement in stretch marks can be achieved
- Reduction of surface damage caused by UVB rays and aging
Subsequently, the use of sunscreen is indicated to avoid any discomfort due to skin sensitivity.
Ready to remove those impurities? Contact us and receive a special promotion on our MedSpa procedures!