Say goodbye to unwanted hair
Are you looking for an IPL laser hair removal clinic in Tijuana? Remove unwanted hair with this non-invasive treatment.
At Baja Plastic Surgery we have high-tech Hair Removal Laser with true results. A smoother, faster and more effective solution.
What is IPL laser hair removal?
This procedure consists in removing unwanted hair; the hair contains melanin which gives it color. When a beam of light with a certain wavelength and intensity interacts with the hair, the energy is absorbed by the melanin transforming it into heat. Thus producing the prolonged destruction of the hair.
The laser only works on dark areas due to melanin, consequently it is not effective for white or very light color hair. IPL covers a wide range of wavelengths, allowing the device to be adapted using different filters to the characteristics of each person’s hair and skin.
How’s the procedure done?
To get this procedure, you need a completely clean skin, without makeup or creams. The specialist will apply a cold gel to the area therefore serves as protection for the thinner layers of the skin. Also, the gel will help the transmission of light energy. In very sensitive areas such as the mustache and bikini, topical anesthesia is applied prior to the gel.
The duration of the session will depend on the areas you need to treat and if you need topical anesthesia or not. During the session, you will wear special glasses so your eyes can be protected from the light beams.
"It is a safe, fast, gentle, and effective procedure and can be used throughout the body."
Who can make use of this permanent hair removal technique?
In fact, both women and men of any age are good candidates for this procedure. However, is important to consider that the effectiveness will be zero in the case of gray hair. Also, the effectiveness is less when the hair is blonde or red.
Additionally, we recommend to avoid being any kind of tann before starting the treatment, as this will decrease its effectiveness.
Is the treatment painful?
This technique is usually painless, although this may vary between each patient and the area to be treated. There will be a sensation of heat in the area where you apply the pulsed light or the equivalent of a slight pinch with each shot.
How many hair removal sessions do I need?
The number of required sessions may vary according to the characteristics of each person, for example hair and skin color, hair growth cycles, surface to be treated, etc. You will need around 5 to 6 sessions to remove most of the hair. Also, sometimes there is a very low percentage of the hair that is left with little melanin, so it is not possible to remove.
Besides, some people may need maintenance sessions about 1-2 times a year.
Are the results permanent?
According to studies, follicles that have been destroyed do not reappear. However, it must be considered that there are many inactive follicles on the skin that can generate new hair over time. Besides this technique is not very effective with lighter hair. Considering these two factors, it may take several sessions to reach the definitive hair removal and another annual session to maintain the results. In conclusion, you can get the definitive removal of 80-90% of the hair from the treated area.
Pros of IPL hair removal
What to do after each session? Are there any side effects?
Aftercare for IPL hair removal
What is the price of IPL laser hair removal?
To know the prices of laser hair removal in Tijuana, please enter your information in our contact form. Our specialized staff will contact you on the day and time you indicate.
tijuana b.c. méxico
German Gedovius
10205 Zona Rio
PC 22010
MX (664)634-3508
USA (619) 564-4158
TOLL-FREE: 1 877 429 4145
tijuana b.c. méxico
German Gedovius
10205 Zona Rio
PC 22010
MX (664)634-3508
USA (619) 564-4158
TOLL-FREE: 1 877 429 4145