5 non-surgical aesthetic procedures to feel sensational this February 14th!

Non-surgical aesthetic procedures. – It’s Sunday afternoon, you find yourself browsing on your social media, then you realize that Super Bowl 2023 is only one week away, which means that Valentine’s Day is only 9 days away – Only 9 days! – Whether you have a romantic dinner planned with your special someone or your […]
Gastric Sleeve Surgery Recovery Time

Bariatric surgery is one of the most requested surgeries by those patients looking to lose weight effectively without resorting to a traditional method. The main reason is that bariatric surgery is recommended mainly for people with obesity who cannot stop eating and, due to their mass and mobility, it is difficult or impossible for them […]
Medications to Avoid After Sleeve Surgery Weight Loss

Nowadays, Sleeve Surgery Weight Loss is a reality that helps thousands of people worldwide combat several problems derived from obesity. Obesity is a pathology that often brings ailments such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and sleep apnea, among other associated diseases. Unfortunately, obesity is a pathology that is difficult to treat for a large number […]
Cirugía de Manga Gástrica 10 años después, lo que debes saber

¿Qué es exactamente la cirugía de manga gástrica? Una cirugía de manga gástrica es una operación que se recomienda a personas con obesidad o con un IMC mayor a 50 que, por ciertas razones, no pueden bajar de peso. Aun cuando la persona mantiene una dieta adecuada y ha intentado hacer ejercicio le es imposible […]
The body of your dreams is possible thanks to plastic surgery

We know that nowadays, thanks to advances in medicine and technology, plastic surgery is one of the most effective methods to achieve the body of our dreams. The highly advanced methods used by surgeons in Tijuana have been recognized by foreigners, mainly in countries like the United States and Canada. This is why Baja Plastic […]
El cuerpo de tus sueños ya es posible gracias a la cirugía plástica

Si algo sabemos, es que actualmente, gracias a los avances en la medicina y la tecnología, la cirugía plástica es uno de los metódos más efectivos para lograr tener el cuerpo con el que hemos soñado. Los métodos tan avanzados con los que cuentan los cirujanos en Tijuana han sido reconocidos por extranjeros, principalmente en […]
Preguntas frecuentes sobre la cirugía de manga gástrica

Un padecimiento cada vez más común en los países desarrollados y en vías de desarrollo es la obesidad mórbida. Esta enfermedad afecta gravemente la salud de las personas y puede desencadenar problemas como la diabetes tipo 2, presión arterial alta, enfermedades coronarias y derrame cerebral, entre otros. Por ese motivo, la mayoría de las personas […]
Frequently asked gastric sleeve surgery questions

An increasingly common condition in developed and developing countries is morbid obesity. This disease seriously affects people’s health and can trigger problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and stroke, among others. For this reason, most people who suffer from morbid obesity try to lose weight with the help of […]
Gastric Sleeve Surgery 10 Years Later, What You Should Know

What Exactly is Gastric Sleeve Surgery? A gastric sleeve surgery is a procedure usually recommended for patients with overweight with an IMC 50 or higher that, for certain reasons, can’t lose weight. Even when the person has an adequate diet and has tried to exercise without losing weight. Gastric sleeve surgery is a procedure that […]
Does gastric sleeve surgery shorten life?

Is it true that gastric sleeves can influence life expectancy? How safe is this procedure? It’s very complicated? These and other questions often cross the minds of patients when they contemplate the idea of getting bariatric surgery to eliminate excess weight more effectively. So today we are going to answer some of the most frequent […]